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Source Ports
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Source Ports - Last updated October 29th, 1999

What exactly *is* a Doom source port, and why are they such a big deal?

Originally, the term "source port" was used to describe the original Doom source being changed then compiled in a way so as to make it work on a different computing platform. The source code that was released to the community in 1997 was Linux-only; as a result, programmers who wanted to make the code run on a different OS such as MS-DOS or Windows needed to transport it into that format. Hence, we used the term "source port" to describe these new executables.

Nowadays the term has taken on a new but not entirely unrelated meaning. Since that first release the Doom source code has not only been ported to multiple computing platforms, but has received numerous changes and additions to the core engine. Doomers could now enjoy features previously unavailable in the original engine such as high-resolutions, translucency, and extended engine capability. Even modern FPS' ubiquitous freelook and jumping are incorporated in some of these ports, bringing them closer to their more advanced shooter cousins.

In this section we provide you with information and advice on some of the most popular source ports on the net. Note that we don't cover every port out there, only the ones that are the most useful for deathmatching. Each one sports different capabilities, so try them all out and see which one you like best! If you do want to look at more types of ports though, you can always visit Doomworld's source ports section for anything else you might want.

Select your Source Port:

  • Zdoom
  • Boom
  • DosDoom
  • Doom Legacy
  • DoomGL

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