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Rage DM 1.1


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Rage DM v1.1 Preview (Cont.)

Map 7: The Mining Complex

Shot 12 3D bridges give Mining Complex an overwhelming Quake 2 feel

Now we come to the second bonus level in Rage DM, which also IMO happens to be the series' crowning jewel. The Mining Complex is a medium-sized map packed with a very sharp and well-thought out design. It uses lots of Zdoom specific effects such as 3D bridges, polyobjects and fogging to add gobs of atmosphere, but at the same time utilizes some of the port's more subtle features to expand the depth of strategy players can use on the map.

Shot 13 Deadly gases collect in one part of the map - you have been warned!

When it comes to detail, the map really does resemble a futuristic mining complex. Machinery groans and shakes in the background, and some extremely lethal lava seethes along the sides. After just running around the map for a few minutes, you can't help but feel that you're miles deep into the Earth's core. Copious use of Quake 2 textures have also been used in this level. While the predominant use of browns make for a slightly monotonous environment, the lava and bridges more than make up for this shortfall.

Shot 14 Want that BFG? Hold your breath first...

The 3D-ish layout is fairly seamless and makes for smooth movement around the maps. It's a lot of fun to get into a fight while on the bridges, and you can use the higher ground to your advantage in scouting out your opponent's movements.

Shot 15 Waiting below the bridges is a good ambush tactic

The most ingenious part of the map however would have to be the "hazy" chamber. Colored lighting and fog effects in Zdoom transform a fairly normal room in to a deadly gas-choked pit. This is accurately reflected in the fact that players entering the area will lose health at very small but steady increments! It's no wonder that the more powerful items such as the BFG and blue combat armor can be found in here.

Shot 16 The lava in Minig Complex is extremely lethal

However, even these pictures can't do the level enough justice. All I can say is that you need to see it for yourself to fully appreciate how cool this level really is. The weapon placement is also very well done, which includes a plasma rifle that's very tricky to grab. The Mining Complex is certainly the best map in the series, and is a testament to the real power of Rage DM.

Now you know about the levels, but what about the man behind them? Keep reading as we have a brief but insightful chat with Rage DM's author, Mike Tawney.

More about Rage DM...

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