The Doom DM Resource
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Sept. 29th, 1999
Sept. 27th, 1999
Sept. 23rd, 1999
Sept. 21st, 1999
Sept. 16th, 1999
Sept. 14th, 1999
Sept. 10th, 1999
Sept. 6th, 1999
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     Most Recent Exclusives
Rage DM 1.1 Online!
Pit Review
FlashDM1 Re-release
Liquid DM Review


September 29th, 1999 - Rage DM 1.1 Online!
A promise is a promise, and so Rage DM 1.1 is now officially
ready for download! You can follow the above link to go directly to our Rage DM section, but remember that you can also access it through our exclusives area. There's lots more to see and do here at our site, so make the most out of your stay and be sure to do a little exploring.

In other news, our source port page has been updated substantially. Not only have the different source ports been segregated into their own little sections, but now a "useful links" resource has been added to them. Hopefully this will make it easier for you guys to squeeze the most out of that shiny new copy of Zdoom/Legacy/DoomGL that you just downloaded. If anyone has additional links to contribute, send them my way and I'll consider posting them up. Please keep them relevant though; for example, don't send me a link to some deathmatch project page unless they've got a particularly useful source port resource on it.

That's all for now - we hope you enjoy Rage DM 1.1, and make sure to come back the next few days for a whole slew of reviews and the usual cool stuff. Auf Wiedersehen! (damn, I'd better lay off Operation Rheingold for a while...)


September 27th, 1999 - Rage DM 1.1 Preview
Whew, it took a while to finish this thing but it was worth it - Rage DM 1.1 is almost here, and we've got an exclusive
preview to prove it! If you're not familiar with Rage DM, the series was a five level set that carried some of the highest quality deathmatch levels produced to date. Rage DM 1.1 is pretty much an update of the wad set, sporting some new Zdoom effects as well as 2 brand-spankin' new levels for you guys to feast on! With 16 new screenshots and an interview with series creator Mike Tawney, you can't afford to miss this! Can there possibly be any more exclamation marks in this update?! Is sleep overrated?! Who cares? Go check out the preview in our exclusives section right now!


September 23rd, 1999 - September Map of the Month Released!
Our September deathmatch map of the month is finally here and
available for download! Boo.wad is a highly tactical dm map made with duels in mind, and is an ideal level to play over Doomserv. It will run fine under any source port, and it's a lot of fun against the Doombot. We even included a nodes table expressly for this purpose, and the Doombot just goes apesh*t...let's just say that it now knows how to reach some of the more powerful weapons in the map. >:) I wasn't kidding when I mentioned in the last update that this map was amazing; give it a shot against your favorite opponent and see for yourself why this map just screams quality.


September 21st, 1999 - Pit Review, Playlist Update and More Cool Stuff
Ok guys, there's another deathmatch wad review for you to look over on our
exclusives section; this time we place Biff's Pit dm map under the spotlight. It's also been quite a while since our last Player's list update, but we did get it done. Go check them out, and remember to post any comments you have on our forum.

As for that cool stuff we mentioned, we've got a RageDM 1.1 preview coming out soon! We can tell you right now that RageDM author and resident web p1mp Mike Tawney has added quite a few new elements to the series for everyone to drool over. Our September deathmatch Map of the Month is also on the horizon, and this thing is absolutely amazing. It's an exclusive map that comes straight to us from Aardappel, the same creative mind behind the very well done Dm4-ish. We were also able to score a very exclusive scoop that we won't reveal just yet - but rest assured that we'll let you guys know soon enough. There's only one place on the net to see when it comes to the latest Doom deathmatch news and exclusives...keep your eyes peeled and make sure to visit us in the next few days!


September 16th, 1999 - FlashDM1 Re-release
As promised last update, we've finally got our FlashDM1 re-release uploaded and
ready for download. Changes included some minor texture-alignment adjustments, the addition of Zdoom's texture warping/swimmable water, removal of some annoying slime trails and other miscellaneous fixes. Not only did we manage to streamline the file size on the standard version, but now a lite version is available for download. The only difference with the lite version is that it doesn't come with any new MOD music, but is otherwise perfectly identical to the standard "full" version. Well? Go on over, download FlashDM1 and start fragging!


September 14th, 1999 - New Reviewer on Staff, Liquid DM Review
Good news - we have another deathmatch wad reviewer on staff! Everyone please welcome
Xtrackt into the fray. His inaugural review covers Cyb's Liquid DM, and you can check it out here in our exclusives section.

In other news, we've got a nice little file that fans of Mike Tawney's Q2DM1 conversion will appreciate. Available for download is an alternate .bex file which allows you to use Zdoom's railgun in Q2DM1 without breaking the 3d bridges. Download and unzip it into your Doom directory. Then, run the patch using Zdoom's -deh command line parameter. Q2DM1 with a railgun, who knew? =)

I can't let on too much, but I promise you guys that this will be a busy week. There's a "semi-re-release" (blah) of FlashDM1 coming soon which addresses some bugs and other things that I've been meaning to fix. More stuff is on the way, so make sure to visit us the next few days.


September 10th, 1999 - New DM Wad Review
Ok, there's a new review for everyone to look at in our
exclusives section. It specifically covers Pennywise, a DM map tribute to the punk band of the same name. Check out the review and find out what we think!

Dare I say it? SurgeDM 2 has been released! It's only a beta at this stage, but when has that stopped any of us before?! Go get it!

Some non-Doom related things here. Guys, If you're still thinking about buying a Dreamcast, play a round of Soul Calibur and I guarantee that all your doubts will disappear. As for you 2d fighting game fans out there, buy this system and show Capcom your support! There's no way in hell you're gonna be able to play arcade perfect versions of Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Power Stone without this baby. 'Nuff said.


September 6th, 1999 - Deathmatch Incarnate 2 Review, New Man on Staff
Everyone please welcome the newest addition to our staff,
Warlock. Since everyone around here has been feeling the pressure from school lately, Warlock was gracious enough to come on board and help us out with the site. His first review covers Steve "fUnKyMoNk" Noonan's new map, Deathmatch Incarnate 2. Check out our exclusives section to get all the details.

For all of you out there that took the time to try out our deathmatch maps of the month - what did you think of them so far? Seriously guys, we've had quite a few people download them, but after all this time we haven't heard a word from anyone. Not even a peep. Any one of you care to enlighten us and give us your comments? Tell us your thoughts on our forum.

Just some miscellaneous bits before I take off: all our news for the whole month of August has now been packed and tucked away neatly in our news archives. There will also be a few minor changes to the exclusives area in the future for the sake of organization. With all the new reviews and other things that we've been doing, it's become necessary to segregate some sections. Anyway, forgive the dumb clichés but "please pardon our dust...we're renovating!"


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