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    Join DooM Resurrection

Interested in contributing to DooM Resurrection? I won't just hire anyone, but it's worth giving it a shot if you're interested in doing one of the following things below.

Music Composers
Music composers are no longer needed for Episode one. However, I could use a couple for episode two if you're interested. I need a hell style ambient musci from you fine folks.

Weapon Artists
If you can design a good weapon or two for us, and at a decent rate, mail me with some sample work and I'll determine what I want you to make. Currently two weapons are needed to be made ASAP. Think you can help out? Email me!

Texture Artists
This isn't much of a priority at all, since there are many textures that are at my disposal on the internet. However, if you would like to contribute something unique to DooM Resurrection, email me and I'll see what I can do for you.

DoomScript Coders
DooM Resurrection is eventually going to fully take advantage of Zdoom's DoomScript once it gets released, so anyone willing to help out with the coding in the future may let me know as well. This is not a priority though.

Beta Testers
Beta testers are now needed for testing a demo I have made. EMail me if interested.

Think you could help out with something else? Drop me a line and I'll see if we need you. I will NOT be accepting applications for level editors, at least not yet...
DooM, The DooM logo, and all images or content related to DooM are © iD Software. DooM Resurrection, the Resurrection logo, and the rest of the content on this page © Fatal. Page design created by MTawney