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    Frebuary 18th, 2000: Progress
Well, it's updatin' time again, and I'll have to start out by saying that progress is coming along very well! Level 5 is just about complete, with only one more script to write and a little testing to finish it off. after that, only one level needs to be done, and all the levels for episode one will be complete! The enemies are just about completely done (I may add another one though), andjust about all the graphics are finished.

I also have to mention that DooM Resurrection will be using the Skulltag engine, meaning that lots of enhanced features will be added within the game, including bouncing grenades, gibs, enemies added to the game, all new weapons included with the already existing doom2 ones, and lots, lots, LOTS more!

Another thing to mention. I could really use some help with weapon graphics. If someone thinks they could make me some decent weapons, drop me a mail. Otherwise, I'll have to rip some off (Giving credit of course:) By next update, I could possibly be ready for another set of beta testers. Don't email me about it yet though!


    January 3rd, 2000: Beta Testers Chosen
Okay, out of about 30 applicants, I have chosen 4 beta testers. These guys all have been very helpful with finding some things for me to improve on with Resurrection! Keep up the good work!

I have also updated the Episode One Enemies Page with the two new enemies that will be in Resurrection. Check it out!


    December 26th, 1999: Beta Testers Wanted
Yep, you heard me right. I'm looking for beta testers. I'm giving away a 1 level beta , which means I won't be accepting many people, so email me ASAP!

I also revamped the entire project page, since there has been a change in plans. So check it out and stuff.


    November 11th, 1999: Problems With WadAuthor
I need some help. I completely finished the layout of map01 of Resurrection E1, and used the ZDoom Wad Converting Tool to get it in ZDoom/Hexen format. The problem is, when I edit levels with WadAuthor in ZDoom mode, any "things" I put in don't show up in the game. Does anyone know the problem to this?

I also have some very good news for you guys. The cyborg enemy has been completed! He's fast, he's dodgy, and he packs one hell of a nasty railgun. You definately don't want to meet this guy if you have the -fast parimeter on:)

The new railgun is almost complete as well. It's starting to look very nice, and it will fit into it's new home with DooM Resurrection very well.

It seems ZDoom is still in production, and still editable in DooM, so I'm happy. I'll have to learn DooMscript along with build-like editing features, but that will make for a stronger Resurrection E2!

One final note. I am currently not looking for beta testers as of yet. I should really change that message I put in the join section. I'll let you guys know when I need testers, and there won't be many.

Next update I should be able to have the E1 enemies section finished, as well as some screenshots for you. Until then...


    November 8th, 1999: MOD Music and ZDoom
Since no one has replied to help me make MOD music (I'm not looking for MIDI's), I have been downloading a whole bunch of tunes off the net, and I got some really cool techno and industrial music. So far, I have definate peices for levels 1 and 3. That leaves 2, 4, and 5.

Anyone know what the hell is going on with ZDoom? I can't tell if Randy is telling us that ZDoom is dead and he's making a new engine, or if he's simply restarting ZDoom from scratch. Am I still going to be able to make levels with Doom editors? Or am I going to have to use a Duke3D Build editor now? I need more details bud!


    November 7th, 1999: Resurrection Back Online!
DooM Resurrection is now finally back in it's proper place here on Doomworld! After a good lone wait (2 months), I have finally gotten the new password to the FTP site and I can now officially update the site!

So what's new with Resurrection? The railgun is now nearing completion and looking very cool! After I get the new graphics for it, I'll have to code it in, which isn't too much of a task.

I've also started on the new enemy! I have completed all of his walking frames, and I'm about halfway through the firing frames. I'll tell you right now he'll be one badass dude. That reminds me...

I'm not really replacing any weapons. There will be some DooM weapons that will not end up in episode one, and some enemies as well. This is my chance to add some new stuff tothe game. Once DoomScript is implemented into ZDoom, all of the original DooM weapons will come back, and I will be adding lots of new weapons and enemies!

One more thing. I need MOD music composers badly!!! Please, if you can make good MOD ambient or industrial/techno/rock music, then please mail me with sample work! I want good original music in Resurrection, but if no one helps, I'll have to rip music from somewhere:)


    October 28th: New Weapon and Other Progress
I have good news folks. A new weapon has been completed! I have replaced the chaingun with the RCP-90. This bad boy will rip all the little baddies to shreds, but it also eats ammo like popcorn.

On another note, level 1 is progressing very nicely. Just about the entire layout is finished. After the layout, I have to do all of the coding (Which is ALOT). The level will rock kiddies, screenshots will never save you from the amazement this level contains:)

After creating level 1, I will start work on the new enemy, which will be a cyborg kind of dude. I'm not sure what kind of attack he will have, but I'm leaning towards a railgun. After I finish with him, I will start and finish level 4, which by then Steve will hopefull be done making the railgun graphics, and then I will touch everything up, send everything to beta testers, touch up some more, and release episode one for everyone! I'm so excited:)


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