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    Episode One Levels

There will be six levels in episode one of DooM Resurrection. This page will give you a basic overall description of the levels, as well as a screenshot or two of each level. This is not a walkthrough! That will be provided a little after episode one is released.

    Level 1: Engineering Facility
This is the intro to DooM Resurrection. You are located at the entrance to the basement of the Core complex, were the generators that run the entire place are located. It seems empty, but you can tell something was here, and you know it won't be easy getting to the Ammo Depot.

    Level 2: Ammo Depot
This is one of Core's many ammo depots. The entrance to the war factory and the genetics lab lies on the opposite side of the depot, and something will be there to stop you.

    Level 3: The War Factory
While like any factory in the Core complex, this one produces more than half of Core's weaponry, giving the complex its' name. you'll find an arsenal of new weapons located here. Just make sure your foes don't get to it.

    Level 4: The Sewage System
The door to the Genetics Lab has been destroyed, so now your only chance to get there is through the Core sewage system. Though not many enemies lurk in these waterways, there can still be some extremely dangerous obstacles to encounter.

    Level 5: The Guardian
This small, heavily guarded passage to the Genetics Lab is your entryway to all the answers you need to know...That is, if you make it through alive...

    Level 6: The Genetics Lab
the Genetics Lab is were all expiramentations take place within the Core complex. It is also the main location of were the hellspawn is coming from. You need to find out what the source is, and get rid of it.

DooM, The DooM logo, and all images or content related to DooM are © iD Software. DooM Resurrection, the Resurrection logo, and the rest of the content on this page © Fatal. Page design created by MTawney